Thursday, February 28, 2008

Too pretty to fly? - Tampa Bays Local News

Probably has absolutely nothing to do with them getting on the plane with a completely lousy attitude and expecting more simply because they are "too pretty to fly."

I don't know the whole story.  Many of the passengers on the plane don't even know the whole story.  Hell, even the two of them probably don't know the whole story. 

But this whole idea that they were discriminated against because they are "too pretty?" 

Once again, I blame MTV and a generation of empty headed teens (and by teens I mean well into the mid to late twenties) for this complete load of crap.

Bullshit incidents like this lessen legitimate claims of prejudice.  Ladies, please read your history...Rosa Parks, white/black drinking fountains, segregated lunch counters, Martin Luther King. . . and on and on and on....

Just from a quick glean of the story: you were told to wait for a drink until your row was being served...did you expect to be served first because you are "too pretty?"

Vulgarities exchanged between the guy who found himself stuck in an airplane toilet for "15 minutes."  Did it occur to you that no one really wants to spend anytime in there?  Did you knock once? Twice? Thrice? a little too aggressively?  Do you like to be disturbed when you either can't quite pinch one off or grunt and regret your way past a poorly conceived Taco Bell meal?

Too pretty to fly? 

Give too petty a shot.  Or get a private jet like Paris Hilton.

Too pretty to fly? - Tampa Bays Local News

Monday, February 25, 2008

Soon to be working a drive-thru window at a Jack in the Box near you...

Yeah, like I am the ONLY one...

C' wanted to do it too.

Someday...even he will reproduce....

and will the younger one. Yes. Reproduce. Create more of their own kind. The kind that spell onomatopoeic words wrong.'s spelled the way it sounds. That's the whole point.

Hell...the embed, doesn't do the William Saffire butchering justice...and I am too damn drunk to figure out the damn link at the moment, so just do yourself a favor, go directly to and search for "Bug Spalt." Either you get the video that I am talking about or Jeff Foxworthy will come clean your carpet. Either way...hilarity ensues.

I dunno....kill it....

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wow...that long....

Looking back, has it really been that long since I became disillusioned and kicked it all into the fire for the night?

Hmm...guess so.

Tuesday I get to go to the polls and cast a vote for Obama....

Perhaps, maybe? Hope?

Stay tuned.