Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Near a storm drain at home

I stared into the disappearing water, unable to identify a clear image. Once my eyes isolated what appeared to be a consistency in the wave's motion, it quickly disappeared and my eyes were forced to refocus on another portion of the whirlpool. Leaves were caught in the vortex, the small toy boat that I had when I was seven. The face of my grandmother, the teacher who had tied my shoes, the banker who refused the loan for my first house-all caught for a moment-then gone. The faces of strangers appeared for a moment and then disappeared. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the distorted image of myself come into view. Quickly, I shut my eyes, clenched my lids as tight as possible, until all I could see was the blood pulsing through the thin membrane. I was safe. Safe from the inevitable. I can keep my eyes closed forever if I have to.
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