Sunday, May 18, 2008

Greetings from Hyboria

Two days into the the pre-launch...and well, quite impressed so far. AoC launched with some of the typical MMO glitchiness, but still promises to be a stellar game. The graphics are the most amazing out there for the genre, the story lines are beyond belief (if you take the time). The PvP is a bit shitty at the moment, mainly because of the typical spawn camping that you find in most FPS games. Yes, some people still get great pleasure sitting at the graveyard and killing players over and over and over and over again. Yes, killing me when I rez with 2% health is quite challenging, I get it. Now listen to your mother and go take the trash out. Seriously, though, most MMOers will accuse campers of being twelve year old dorks. This is usually true. In the case of AoC, however, and given the extremely mature nature of the game, if you are a parent and you let your child play this game, you should be forced to row a slaveship across the Hyborian Sea in a skimpy, skimpy loin cloth.

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