Sunday, January 08, 2006

The sound of bones creaking

Well, I awoke today undeniably on the other side of the hill. The peak is somewhere in my rearview mirror, and I am beginning to make my descent. You know what? Never felt better and more at peace. My twenties, well, what I remember of them were about getting drunk, chasing the idea of love, getting drunk, and maybe eventually getting a degree. But mostly about getting drunk. My thirties were all about catching up for the time lost. The super competitive go, go, go of what? Who was I really succeeding for? Sure, I helped myself out, but at what expense? I lost time with my family that I will never recover, and I helped make money for ungrateful suits without a hint of genuine thanks.

Forty. All that is gone. I am near home. I am at peace with the universe. Well, okay, I have been forty for a little over an hour now. We'll see what tomorrow brings. The other side of the hill brings a much, much better view of what lies ahead.

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