Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I always seem to start reading a good comic book when it is too damn late. Vertigo's The Losers ended its run in March of 2006. Too bad, too. Andy Diggle penned some pretty horrifying things:
What we call history is merely the chaotic turmoil of phase transition as societies shed outmoded models of centralized control and dynastic hierarchy in favor of free market capitalist democracy....

In other words--everybody wants to be American. Some people just don't know it yet.

Within the next two hundred years, every nation on the planet will have embraced this American model. It is as natural--and is as inevitable as evolution. Except we don't have two hundred years. The planet is dying. Global environmental melt-down is just around the corner. The next World War will not be fought for ideology, or strategic superiority, but for food and water. For survival.

Sometimes nature needs a helping hand. I am that hand. And this....

This is the end of history. --Max (not so nice guy)

The Losers, Issue 26--Unamerica, part 1Posted by Picasa

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